Design Motors with EMWORKS MotorWizard – Where Innovation Meets Efficiency

Motors and Generators
By Sumeet Singh | 26/06/2024

In the rapidly evolving world of electric motor technology, efficiency and performance are paramount. Engineers and designers are constantly challenged to develop high-performance, energy-efficient motors that meet the stringent demands of various industries, from automotive and aerospace to industrial and consumer electronics. 

EMWORKS MotorWizard is a cutting-edge software solution that empowers engineers and designers to create more efficient and high-performing motors. 

Secrets to Achieve Efficient Electric Motor Design

#1 Prioritize Material Selection & Magnet Arrangement

One of the critical factors in electric motor efficiency is the selection of materials and the arrangement of magnets. The materials you choose for the motor's core, windings, and magnets can significantly impact performance, efficiency, and cost.

Key Strategies

  • Use materials with high magnetic permeability and low hysteresis loss for the core to reduce energy losses. MotorWizard provides access to a comprehensive material library that helps you select the best materials for your design.

  • The arrangement and orientation of magnets affect the motor’s torque and efficiency. MotorWizard allows you to experiment with different magnet arrangements to find the optimal configuration for your specific application.

#2 Optimize the Winding for Maximum Efficiency

The winding design is a crucial component of electric motor efficiency. The way windings are configured can affect the motor's magnetic field, resistance, and overall performance.

Key Strategies

  • MotorWizard’s automatic winding layout generation feature allows you to experiment with different winding patterns to optimize the motor’s efficiency​​. You can customize the winding pattern to minimize resistance and maximize magnetic coupling.


  • Ensure that the windings fill the slots in the stator effectively to reduce losses and improve the motor's electromagnetic efficiency.
  • Select wire with appropriate insulation and conductivity to handle the current without excessive heating.

#3 Optimize Air Gap for Balanced Performance

The air gap between the rotor and the stator is a critical factor in motor efficiency. Optimizing the air gap can lead to a significant reduction in losses and a performance improvement.

Key Strategies

  • Use MotorWizard to simulate different air gap sizes and find the optimal balance between minimizing losses and maintaining sufficient mechanical clearance. Too small an air gap increases the risk of mechanical contact, while too large an air gap reduces magnetic coupling efficiency​​.
  • Ensure the air gap is uniform around the entire rotor to maintain consistent magnetic flux and reduce the risk of imbalanced forces that can lead to vibration and noise.

#4 Enhance Stator and Rotor Core Design 

The core of an electric motor is a critical component that influences magnetic performance and efficiency. High-precision core geometry ensures optimal magnetic flux paths, reducing losses and enhancing performance.

Key Strategies

  • Use MotorWizard's high-precision geometric modelling tools to design cores with minimal geometric imperfections. This ensures that the magnetic flux is distributed evenly, reducing losses due to magnetic saturation and leakage​.
  • Design the core with optimal lamination thickness to minimize eddy current losses. Thinner laminations reduce these losses, thereby improving overall efficiency.

#5 Optimize Rotor-Stator Interaction with Eccentricity and Skewing Analysis

The interaction between the rotor and stator is critical for the performance and efficiency of electric motors. Eccentricity (misalignment between the rotor and stator) and skewing (tilting laminations at an angle) are key factors that influence this interaction. By analyzing and optimizing these elements, you can significantly enhance motor performance and reduce operational issues.

Key Strategies

  • Use MotorWizard to perform detailed eccentricity and skewing analyses. These tools help you simulate and visualize the impact of misalignment and skew angles on motor performance, enabling you to make informed design decisions.
  • Experiment with different skew angles to find the configuration that minimizes torque ripple and harmonics while maintaining efficiency. MotorWizard allows for adjustments, helping you optimize the skewing for your specific application.

Know More About EMWORKS-MotorWizard

A Paradigm Shift in Motor Design and Analysis

Mot orWizard represents a groundbreaking advancement in electric motor design, offering a seamless blend of powerful analysis capabilities, intuitive user experience, and cutting-edge visualization tools. This comprehensive platform empowers engineers and designers to streamline their workflows, accelerate innovation, and unlock new frontiers in motor performance.

Design Efficiency and Optimization

One size does not fit all when it comes to electric motor design. That's why MotorWizard puts customization at your fingertips. Whether it's tweaking specifications or fine-tuning performance parameters, you have the flexibility to tailor your designs to perfection, ensuring they meet your unique requirements with precision.

Leveraging an extensive library of parameterized templates for permanent magnet (PM) motors, MotorWizard empowers you to rapidly explore countless design iterations and find the optimal configuration tailored to your application's unique requirements.

The live preview feature provides real-time visualization, allowing you to seamlessly switch between live and CAD modes, fostering a collaborative and integrated design workflow.

Save valuable time and effort with automatic winding layout generation, enabling you to customize winding patterns effortlessly while streamlining the design process.

Embedded Solvers for Comprehensive Analysis

MotorWizard has built-in 2D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solvers for in-depth electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical simulations, ensuring accurate performance predictions and design validation across multiple domains.

Harness advanced simulation capabilities, such as automated mesh refinement control, eccentricity analysis (static, dynamic, and mixed types), and simultaneous solve settings for concurrent simulations, optimizing your designs with unprecedented precision.

Access a comprehensive material library and data center, enabling you to define and customize material properties to meet your specific motor design requirements.

Performance Insights

Electromagnetic Performance Analysis

Gain invaluable insights into key metrics such as torque characteristics, back EMF, flux linkages, resistance, and inductance calculations, ensuring exceptional efficiency and power density.

Eccentricity Analysis for eNVH

Leverage advanced eccentricity analysis capabilities to proactively identify and mitigate potential noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) concerns, providing a competitive edge in the market.

Thermal Management Redefined

Conduct comprehensive 2D FEA thermal simulations, incorporating analytical solutions and 3D radial and axial heat transfer analysis, ensuring optimal thermal performance and extended motor lifespan.

Multi-Physics Simulations

Combine electromagnetic, thermal, and mechanical simulations for a holistic understanding of your motor's performance under various operating conditions, identifying and addressing potential issues before they become critical.

Post-Processing and Visualization

  • Visualize simulation results with highly customizable waveforms and field plots, enabling in-depth analysis and data-driven decision-making.
  • Leverage an integrated spreadsheet environment for advanced calculations, data manipulation, and custom plotting, streamlining analysis workflows.
  • Bring your designs to life with stunning animations and 2D visualization, facilitating effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders.

Join the Future of Electric Motor Engineering

EMWORKS revolutionizes electromagnetic design and analysis with its comprehensive platform, featuring an intuitive workflow that simplifies complex tasks and reduces learning curves. Its efficient project management capabilities enable simultaneous oversight of multiple projects, designs, and simulations, fostering optimal resource allocation and real-time progress tracking. The extensive Material Center facilitates accurate simulations with its rich library and customizable options, while the advanced Meshing Center ensures precise representation of complex geometries for reliable results. 

With MotorWizard, designing and analyzing electric motors becomes easier and more accurate than ever before. By incorporating this cutting-edge tool into your workflow, you'll be equipped to elevate your capabilities and lead the pack in motor performance. Say hello to a new era of efficiency and innovation in the industry.

Explore the forefront of electric motor engineering by visiting to schedule a personalized demo. Our dedicated team is passionate about pushing the boundaries of innovation, empowering you to craft exceptional motor designs that catalyze progress across various industries. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we aim to provide you with an immersive experience that showcases the future possibilities of motor engineering.

"Unleash the power of MotorWizard and revolutionize your electric motor designs today!"