EMWorks Blog

ElectroMagnetic Design Made Easy

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Transform your Autodesk Inventor into a High-Voltage Busbars Design Workbench

EMS - Inventor

Learn how to convert Autodesk Inventor into a high-voltage busbars design workbench with EMWORKS—optimize power systems with precision.

Kousseil Ben Ahmed | 26/04/2024

Designing A Magnetic Clutch Using Autodesk Inventor

EMS - Inventor

Discover how EMWORKS integrates with Autodesk Inventor to revolutionize magnetic clutch design, offering robust simulation tools for top performance and efficiency.

Ahmed Khebir | 25/04/2024

How Magnetic Encoders Enhance Precision in Motion Control and Automation


Discover how magnetic encoders operate and their pivotal role in achieving precise motion control and automation. Learn the importance of magnetization direction and Hall effect sensors.

Sumeet Singh | 12/04/2024

The Impact of External Rotor PM Motors on Ceiling Fan Efficiency


Discover how external rotor PM motors revolutionize ceiling fan performance with superior efficiency, quieter operation, and improved airflow.

Sumeet Singh | 08/04/2024