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Inspirierende Testimonials, die elektromagnetische Durchbrüche hervorheben

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  • Piotr Markowski
    Envelope Power LLC

    Envelope Power LLC provides services in electronic power conversion engineering is a Complete power supply design, Simulation and modeling, Power stage optimization, Printed circuit board layout, Prototype building and testing, Electromagnetic compatibility, Digital high performance controllers implemented with FPGA or DSP & 3D Finite Element Analysis of magnetic circuits.

  • Michelle Wei, Massachusetts General Hospital
    Michelle Wei, Massachusetts General Hospital
    Harvard Medical School

    The EMS magnetostatics module has been amazing for designing permanent magnet configurations to optimize magnetic field shape. The interface with SolidWorks is really intuitive and I was able to start using it quickly. Even better, the customer service and tech support have been wonderful! I highly recommend this software.

  • John Lomba, a student
    John Lomba, a student
    University of Massachusetts Lowell

    My First impression of HFWorks right out of the gate was, “ Brilliant”. Having HFWorks integrated directly into SolidWorks saves me so much time when it comes to building and testing coaxial RF connectors. I was very impressed with one click I was able to obtain TDR results of my RF model which really gives me everything I am looking for, especially when other software like HFSS makes it such a pain to get similar results.

  • Amir Vedadi, a student
    Amir Vedadi, a student
    Oxford Brookes University

    EMS is quite useful program for finding electric and magnetic fields in unorthodoxly shaped assemblies. It has been especially helpful for me when I was trying to design circuits with high voltage and current applications, which are potentially lethal for students. EMS comes with a set of tutorials that guide users through the model setup and demonstrate a large variety of applications. Overall, a very professional electromagnetic simulation software.

  • Paul M. Kurowski, Assistant Professor
    Paul M. Kurowski, Assistant Professor
    Western University

    I used EMS to teach the third year undergraduate course "Finite Element Methods for Mechatronic Systems Engineering". Students were already familiar with and SOLIDWORKS Simulation and Electromagnetics; they had no troubles learning EMS and working on meaningful assignment problems all within one lab. The use of EMS definitely added value to the course and enhanced students' learning experience.