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Inspirierende Testimonials, die elektromagnetische Durchbrüche hervorheben

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  • I got used to EMS very fast. I just needed two days to get a first result. Especially the simplicity to apply boundary conditions or to refine the mesh at certain surfaces or solids is great! And also the options to plot the results are very nice and intuitive. In the end the results of the simulation matched very well with the experimental values.

  • Benjamin James Carroll - Shell Design Engineer
    Benjamin James Carroll - Shell Design Engineer
    Efacec Power Transformers, Inc., Portgual


    Efacec – the largest Portuguese Group in the field of electricity – is present in more than 65 countries, employs around 4500 people and its turnover has already exceeded 1 billion Euros. The portfolio of Efacec's business activities includes: Energy, Transformers, Switchgear, Servicing of Energy, Engineering, Automation, Renewable Energy & Transportation…

    “…The EMS software package has been a great asset to Efacec Power Transformers.  The user interface is easy to understand allowing for fast setup and processing of thermal models.  The accurate results have helped us make better decisions on material use for reducing cost”

  • Ian Hunter

    A Lorentz force linear motion actuator was built to deliberately exhibit a highly nonlinear current for force relation even when the coil was completely immersed in the magnetic field. Magnets were arranged radially around the coil but only half the permissible number were included in order to generate a more complex actuator configuration to test the ability of the EMS electromagnetic finite element analysis software to handle more challenging magnetic path geometries. A detailed set of experiments were carried out on the actual actuator and a similar set of analyses were undertaken using the EMS magnetostatic electromagnetic finite element analysis software. EMS correctly accounted for the gross nonlinearities in the current to force measurements.

  • Louis Moskven - Mechanical Engineering Student
    Louis Moskven - Mechanical Engineering Student
    University of British Columbia

    Our design will revolve around the analysis of a new electron catcher (Faraday cup) and design an Electron Catcher for target station EMS from EMWorks has been a valuable tool for integrating electromagnetic component design into our SolidWorks environment.

    EMS has allowed us to simplify the development stages for RF and high power AC componentry by reducing the number of experiments required during prototyping. The intuitive user interface combined with the simple transition between the design environment and finite element suite ensure that any required changes to a design can be completed, implemented, and brought back into the EMS environment for further simulation in a very short timeline.

    Thank you for your valuable tool and help

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  • Rui Zhang - undergraduate engineering student
    Rui Zhang - undergraduate engineering student
    Dartmouth College

    I used EMWorks for an undergraduate biomedical engineering project. I am thankful that EMWorks is very well integrated with SolidWorks, which makes constructing 3D geometries straight-forward. The step-by-step tutorial of EMWorks also helped me in learning the software. Many other multiphysics software applications don't have easy-to-use tutorials. Overall, EMWorks has been helpful software for my project.