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Inspirierende Testimonials, die elektromagnetische Durchbrüche hervorheben

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  • Robert Larose - Senior Electro-optic Designer
    Robert Larose - Senior Electro-optic Designer
    CMC Electronics Inc.

    “… For our company, the SolidWorks files are the primary source of design information and I needed a high-frequency analysis tool that can seamlessly work with the mechanical software without having to generate another set of files for simulation totally disconnected from the official design information. HFWorks provides a true integration with the mechanical design without compromising on the available features. I used HFWorks to find unwanted resonances in our hybrid packages but also to find complex transfer functions from PCB pads to input pins to internal ceramic network. I can visualize problematic areas using the powerful graphical tools provided. Post-processing TDR function also helps me match design with lab measurements.

    I strongly recommend HFWorks for analysing complex 3D structures when simplistic 2D/2.5D models won’t get you where you wanted”...

  • Henk Te Kronnie - Mechanical Engineer
    Henk Te Kronnie - Mechanical Engineer
    Electrotechnische Industrie ETI b.v

    ETI has been designing and delivering reliable transformers and inductors for industrial applications for more than 50 years. ETI also delivers transformers for medical research and railway systems. In addition, ETI designs and produces Wiring Harnesses, Power Units, DC Power Supplies and Constant Voltage Transformers that are used in its Line Conditioners.

    "The EMS for Autodesk Inventor package has been a great tool for ETI. The software is user friendly, very easy to learn, and most important it has been very useful in the evaluation and designing process. EMWorks Support has been prompt and helpful."


  • Michael Rattray - Engineer
    Michael Rattray - Engineer
    Magnetic Products, Inc.

    Magnetic products inc. (MPI), based in southeastern Michigan, is a worldwide provider of both magnetic and non-magnetic material handling solutions. MPI leads the industry by continuously engineering inventive magnetic equipment and advancing customer education though significant investments in research and development and proactive product training.

    "EMS has been a valuable analysis tool for Magnetic Product Inc. (MPI). The program itself works well in conjunction with inventor and what is most valuable is the hands-on responsive support we receive from EMWorks when we need help."

    We are pleased with the EMWorks team and hope to see more of the same customer-focus in 2014.


  • Ben Samples, Sr. RF Packaging Engineer
    Ben Samples, Sr. RF Packaging Engineer
    Microsemi Power Products Group

    Microsemi Power Products Group uses EMS to calculate and predict package parasitics for its industrial RF product line.  Package inductance, capacitance, and impedance are all calculated using EMS.

    EMS has helped us predict RF performance of new designs as well as evaluate current designs which prove challenging to collect laboratory performance data. EMS has been particularly useful in evaluating and designing RF chip launch using wire bonds and substrate RF circuitry."



  • Edwin Nowicki, PhD, P.Engineer
    Edwin Nowicki, PhD, P.Engineer
    University of Calgary


    We're an interdisciplinary motorcycle racing team from the University of Calgary. To get an idea of our competition, check out!

    The mission of Team Zeus is to provide our members with hands-on, interdisciplinary experience in both innovation and entrepreneurship. We are establishing a successful and enduring team that will participate in the rapidly advancing field of zero-emission vehicles.

    “We’d just like to thank EMWorks for generously donating their electromagnetic simulation software to us. Now we can actually refine the finer points of our motor!

    The software has been very helpful so far, getting an idea of the linear magnetic flux density of various magnet configurations.  It is far superior in user friendliness than Ansys was. Sadly our old club computer is rather slow at running calculations, so we are trying to do more hand calculations to narrow down our options that we need to simulate. Overall, I'd say we're all very happy with the software”.

    Team Zeus website