Real Stories from Satisfied EMWorks Clients

Inspiring Testimonials Highlighting Electromagnetic Breakthroughs

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  • I am currently doing my project in a Belgian company. The goal of my project is to use holding electromagnets to capture ferromagnetic particles in liquid and to put them in motion in this same liquid. To do this I had to choose an electromagnet with well-defined characteristics. That's why I use the simulation with the EMS software. This allows me to visualize the field lines, and to choose the most suitable electromagnet for my application.

    I find that the EMS software integrates well with Solidworks and that makes its use quite simple and intuitive. It can be easily taken in hand thanks to the EMS tutorials.

  • EMWorks was an essential part of our engineering senior design project. We needed to simulate the electric field for a bioreactor we're developing, and EMWorks made it simple to create a model in SolidWorks and apply the needed parameters to generate an electric field simulation. We also had access to instructional videos which helped us understand and apply the functions we needed. Without EMWorks we wouldn't have been able to complete a significant portion of our project. Thank you!

  • Our team is immensely grateful to Academic and Tech Support for their exceptional assistance with EMWorks software, which was indispensable to the success of our project. With their guidance, we were able to use EMWorks to perform an eddy brake simulation for a chainsaw dynamometer that we designed to help chainsaw operators quantify performance improvements resulting from modifications made to their saws. The software allowed us to plot a breaking torque versus rpm graph, which enabled us to map the chainsaw's performance at different rpm levels and gain a better understanding of how breaking torque strength and solid core loss changed with increasing rpm. EMWorks ensured more accurate and comprehensive results during the testing phase. It proved advantageous as it allowed for multiple design iterations (various magnet configurations) and the determination of the corresponding maximum torque values. Thanks to the assistance of EMWorks and their Support team, we were able to achieve a successful project outcome that will benefit chainsaw operators everywhere. 

  • I am a member of a student team that is working on understanding of axial flux electric motors and generators. Using EMWorks we were able to do electromagnetic, structural and thermal analysis of different kinds of motors and generators. Software is very intuitive and easy to use, learning time is a lot shorter than in other similar software packages. There are a lot of tutorial videos on youtube which is also really beneficial for understanding many of the funcionalities of the software. The integration inside Solidworks is flawless and output pictures of the simulation results are very informative. EMWorks support team was really helpful when we encountered some problems in defining simulation parameters. We highly recommend using EMWorks!

  • Markus Ramsauer
    Markus Ramsauer
    FOSBOS Traunstein

    I wanted to express my appreciation for EMS and the benefits it has provided me. Using the software has saved me a significant amount of time and money by eliminating the need for many prototypes. Without EMS, I estimate that it would have taken me at least a week and over 100€ to analyze one variable or problem. Instead, I was able to complete a Simulation overnight and review the results the next day. Additionally, EMS made it easier for me to identify problems without access to expensive measurement equipment.

    I also believe that EMS has even more potential than I have been able to utilize in my simpler simulations, and I can see how it could be a valuable tool for both larger and smaller companies during product development. Furthermore, I found it easy to get started with EMS because it is similar to SolidWorks Simulation. I was able to learn the basics within a week through trial and error and a few tutorials.

    I also want to highlight the exceptional support provided by you and your company. I have not received such helpful and responsive support in a long time, and I appreciate that you offer direct support for students, something that is not always offered by other companies.